G.I.F.T. CLASSES CANCELED FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 Get the Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011225.cfm File: Download the Worship Aid 4pm and 8:30am File: Download the Worship Aid...
Following our inclement weather policy, 8:15am Mass is canceled for FRIDAY as well as all parish activities/meetings. Parish Center Staff will be in the office on Friday until 12:30pm. WEEKEND...
Following our inclement weather policy, 8:15am Mass is canceled for T HURSDAY and FRIDAY as well as all parish activities/meetings. Parish Center Staff will be in the office on Thursday. WEEKEND...
Following our inclement weather policy, 8:15am Mass is canceled for WEDNESDAY as well as all parish activities/meetings. The Parish Center will also be CLOSED. WEEKEND MASSES ARE NEVER CANCELED DUE...
Following our inclement weather policy, 12:00pm Mass is canceled for TUESDAY as well as all parish activities/meetings. The Parish Center will also be CLOSED. WEEKEND MASSES ARE NEVER CANCELED DUE...