Our Catholic tradition prays for those who have gone before us. Each Mass includes prayer intentions for the whole church, living and deceased. Within these prayers, there is a place to recall a particular person/s or a special intention. The deceased are noted in our bulletin and named aloud in our Prayer of the Faithful along with the deceased members and relatives of our parish who have died in the past few days.
We honor them by remembering that they were a gift from God to us; we are grateful for the gifts they gave us and the inspiration we carry into our lives; we pray for the reparation of any sins they may have committed and the purification of their souls.
You can remember someone who has died recently or many years ago, you can even remember all your deceased family, friends and benefactors at one Mass. The intentions do not have to be just for the dead: they make beautiful gifts for any special occasion: birthday; anniversary; in thanksgiving for a prayer answered; an intention for someone who is struggling with a serious illness or other life trauma. We desire the Lord’s support for them in their need.
We also have five opportunities to offer Mass intentions together with our whole parish: Easter; Christmas; Mother’s Day; Father’s Day; and All Souls day. You are encouraged to participate in these group intentions by offering the names of your loved ones for these Masses. They are printed on an insert for the bulletin. You may also want to look at anniversary dates or special occasions to honor your loved ones.
Weekday and weekend Masses are offered. Your attendance at that Mass is not required when making an offering. Normally, one intention is named for each Mass. A stipend of $10 is common practice. This donation supports the work of our parish. You may mail your donation to the church or drop it in the collection basket. Please mark on the donation that it is for a Mass intention.
Remembering our loved ones at Mass is a beautiful prayer and way to honor them.