On February 3, 2024, Saint Bernadette's Moving Towards Oneness (MTO) Ministry received the Acacia Award at the Archdiocese of Louisville's Office of Multicultural Ministry's 36th Annual African American Leadership Awards.
Like many ministries at Saint Bernadette, this ministry began when several parishioners came to Father Jeff with a flame from the Holy Spirit. This time, the flame was a desire for our parish community to respond to the social justice unrest in our community and around the country. This group had participated in the Moving Towards Oneness Program with the Office of Multicultural Ministry and wanted to do more at Saint Bernadette.
The initial members worked hard to establish a name and a mission.
“Should our mission be about addressing racism, creating diversity, understanding cultural differences, or just spreading love? It is about all of that . . .“ - Bob Glaser, MTO member
Their first parish-wide program was in Lent 2022. They hostsed four evening programs to look at Catholicism through the lens of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion and the challenge of eradicating racism. In March of last year, MTO hosted Archbishop Shelton at Saint Bernadette for a presentation on the Church's pastoral letter agains racism, "Open Wide Our Hearts", then the following September, the ministry hosted a "Moving Towards Oneness Day of Reflection" for the Archdiocese. This year, MTO will lead a series of reflections on Saturday mornings during Mystagogy (the time from Easter to Pentecost). This year, MTO will lead a series of reflections on Saturday mornings during Mystagogy (the time from Easter to Pentecost).
To learn more about MTO at Saint Bernadette, contact Sharon Schuhmann at 815-3103 or [email protected].