No matter how alienated we feel because of our sins, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are concretely, surely reconciled with Christ and His Church. Through the priest, we get to experience God’s mercy, love, and peace. Getting into the habit of going to Confession once a month whether we have committed a serious sin or not helps us stay on track in our relationship with Him. But at the minimum, we should confess whenever we commit a mortal sin, or once a year, and before receiving a Sacrament such as Confirmation.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered weekly in Church on Tuesdays from 6:00pm until 7:00pm. Individual appointments for the sacrament can also be scheduled by calling the parish office at 425-2210. Group Communal Reconciliation services are typically offered during Advent and Lent.
First Reconciliation is traditionally celebrated in second grade. A year of formal faith formation is expected prior to the Sacramental preparation year.
Sacrament preparation is offered through the Saint Bernadette Religious Education program (GIFT) or through Saint Mary Academy.
Registration is currently open. (Click Here) to register on the First Communion page.
Please Note: Unless baptized at Saint Bernadette, Mother of Good Counsel, or Transfiguration of Our Lord, we will need verification of your child's Baptism. A scanned copy or picture of their certificate emailed to [email protected] is acceptable. If the certificate is unavailable, please contact the church of your child's Baptism and ask them to mail a new copy of the certificate to the Parish Office, c/o Children's Faith Formation.